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Precast Concrete 27M Dive Tower

  • Precast Concrete 27M Dive Tower - Gate Precast 11
  • Precast Concrete 27M Dive Tower - Gate Precast (3)
    Precast Concrete 27M Dive Tower - Gate Precast (3)
  • Precast Concrete 27M Dive Tower - Gate Precast (1)
    Precast Concrete 27M Dive Tower - Gate Precast (1)
  • Precast Concrete 27M Dive Tower - Gate Precast (2)
    Precast Concrete 27M Dive Tower - Gate Precast (2)

GATE PRECAST COMPANY used NMB Splice Sleeves for their latest project, a Precast Concrete 27M Dive Tower. The structural stability for the dive tower is provided by two side walls. These two walls and stair landing between the walls is the entire structural system for the dive tower. The walls have to resist all the wind load and eccentrically placed diving platform loads on either side. NMB Splice Sleeves were used in the walls between each segment of precast to create continuous reinforcing. Splice sleeves were used in the bottom of upper panel and they were lowered on to the dowels in the upper part of lower panel.